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TC Electronics Infinite Sustainer Pedal

Article number: 455147
Availability: In stock

The name says it all. With INFINITE on your board, you’ll be able to capture and sustain a moment in audio. If DITTO LOOPER is like the camera on your phone where you can loop a video sequence, INFINTE is like the Polaroid for sound, allowing you to build amazing soundscapes and captivating moods whenever and wherever between now and forever. Instant sound snapshots so to speak!

If you’re into stacking layers of notes and chords, INFINITE is right down your alley. Stack single notes to build epic chords and harmonies, or stack chords to create ambient mayhems from monumentally mesmerizing or wonderfully weird to screeching and squealing!

Infinity... Imagine the sounds you could create if you had that kind of time on your hands. We can’t give you infinite time, unfortunately, but we’re very happy to offer you endless amounts of sustained layers right at the tips of your toes! So, with Infinity mode enabled, you can virtually add and sustain an endless number of layers – from here to infinity!

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